Part one
The definition of Ali ibnu Abi dalib
He is the companion Ali ibn Abi Talib ibn Abdul Mudalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy ibn Kilab ibn Luay ibn Ghalib ibn Fahr ibn Malik ibn Al-Nadr ibn Kinana ibn Khuzaymah bin Mudrikah ibn Ilyas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Ma’ad ibn Adnan. The cousin of the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - As for Ali’s mother, she is Fatima bint Asad ibn Abd Manaf from Banu Hashim, Abu Talib’s cousin.
The birth and upbringing of Ali ibnu Abi dalib
There are many narrations in determining the year in which Ali may Allah be pleased with him was born, as follows: It was narrated on the authority of Ibnu Ishaq that he was born ten years before the mission, which is what Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani considered most likely.
It was narrated on the authority of Hasan Al-Basri that he was born fifteen or sixteen years before the mission.
A statement was narrated on the authority of Muhammad ibnu Ali Al-Baqir that agrees with the statement of Ibnu Ishaq, and another statement that he was born five years before the mission.
It was reported from Al-Fakihi that Ali was the first of the Hashemites to be born inside the Ka,ba. Al-Hakim said that there are frequent reports of Ali’s birth in the Ka,ba. Our Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - had taken care of Ali after a severe crisis struck the Quraish one year, as a result of which people were harmed. Abu dalib had many children, so the Prophet came to him with Abbas. Let each of them sponsor one of his children, so they can alleviate his distress. Al-Abbas sponsored Ja,far, and the Prophet sponsored Ali, who believed in him after his mission.
Ali ibnu Abi dalib's family
Ali bin Abi dalib may Allah be pleased with him had many brothers, the most famous of whom were three, namely: Aqeel, dalib, and Ja,far. Ali was the youngest of them, and he had two sisters, namely: Umm Hani’, and Jumana, and the following is an overview of each of them: dalib: No. He believed in the message of Muhammad, and he died following his religion after participating in the Battle of Badar, knowing that he participated in it under duress. Because he loved the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him -. Aqeel: He was captured by the Muslims after participating in the Battle of Badar.
He had participated in it under duress, so his uncle Abbas ransomed him. Then he converted to Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca in the eighth year of the Hijra, and it was said: on the day of Hudaybiyyah in the sixth year of the Hijra. He participated after that with the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him In his battles, such as the Battle of Mu'tah and the Battle of Hunayn. Ja,far: He was one of the former venerable companions in Islam. He migrated to Abyssinia twice, and his return the second time coincided with the Muslim victory in the Battle of Khaybar. The Prophet ordered him to lead the army of the Battle of Mu’tah, in which he performed well, and his hands were cut off. He was martyred in Mu’tah at the age of thirty-three. Umm Hani: She converted to Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca, so the Prophet entered her house and prayed the Duha prayer, eight rak’ahs. Jumana: She had converted to Islam and married Abu Sufyan ibnu Al-Harith ibnu Abdul Mudalib.
Ali ibnu Abi dalib's wives and children
Ali ibnu Abi dalib may Allah be pleased with him married a number of women, and this does not mean that he brought them together at the same time, so he gave birth to a number of children from them, and this is explained in the following:
Fatima, daughter of the Messenger Muhammad, and she gave birth to him: Hassan ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Hussein ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Mohsen ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Zainab Al-Kubra, daughter of Ali ibnu Abi dalib, Umm Kulthum, daughter of Ali ibnu Abi dalib, Umm Al-Banin, daughter of Hizam Al-Kalabiya, and she gave birth to him: Al-Abbas ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Ja,far ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Abdullah ibnu Ali iBnu Abi dalib Othman ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Laila binti Masoud Al-Tamimiyya, who gave birth to him: Ubaidullah ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Abu Bakar ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Umm Habiba bint Zam’a Al-Taghlibiyya, and gave birth to him: Omar ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Ruqayya binti Ali ibnu Abi dalib Umm Saeed binti Urwa al-Thaqafiyya, who gave birth to him: Umm al-Hasan binti Ali ibnu Abi dalib Ramla al-Kubra binti Ali ibnu Abi dalib Asma binti Umays al-Khathamiyya, who gave birth to him: Yahya ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Muhammad al-Asghar ibnu Ali bin Abi dalib Aoun ibnu Ali ibnu Abi dalib Umamah binti Abi Al-Aas, who bore him: Muhammad Al-Awsat bnu Ali bin Abi dalib Khawla binti Ja,far Al-Hanafiyya, who bore him: Muhammad Al-Akbar bin Ali bin Abi dalib, known as Muhammad ibnu Al-Hanafiyya
Ali ibnu Abi dalib converted to Islam
Ibnu Ishaq mentioned that Ali bnu Abi dalib entered upon the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him one time while he was praying with Mrs. Khadija - may Allah be pleased with her and asked him about the nature of that worship, so he explained to him that it was one of the rituals of the religion that Allah had chosen for His servants and with which He sent His Messenger. He offered him faith in his message; By monotheizing God and disavowing idols, Ali hesitated to accept it, and wanted to consult his father about it. The Prophet hated the spread of news of the call before he announced it himself, so Ali had a choice between Islam, or keeping the matter secret and not informing anyone about it.
Ali spent that night thinking about the matter of the call until faith came to his heart, so he went to the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - asking him to repeat to him what he had called him to the first time. The Prophet repeated to him the two testimonies of faith and disavowal of Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, so he greeted Ali, uttered the two testimonies, and remained silent. his faith; For fear of Abu dalib.
There are many sayings about the age of Ali may Allah be pleased with him - when he converted to Islam, as follows: When he was eight years old, as narrated on the authority of Urwa. It was said that he was fourteen years old, as Jarir narrated on the authority of Al-Mughirah. Al-Hassan bin Zaid bin Al-Hassan mentioned that he was nine years old when he converted to Islam. It is proven on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he was the first people to convert to Islam. He concealed his faith out of fear of his father, while some showed and declared their conversion to Islam, such as Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you will follow the next part.