

Saturn planet

Overview of Saturn planet

Saturn is visible to the naked eye without a telescope as a point of light in the sky, even though it is 1,277,400,000 kilometers from Earth. 
The sixth closest to the solar system in terms of size and mass, it has a diameter of 120 thousand kilometers. Ten times the diameter of the planet Earth, Saturn orbits the Sun in an elliptical path that takes 29 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, while it takes 10 hours, 39 minutes and 24 seconds to complete. one circle around himself.

Characteristics of the planet Saturn 

His environment

Saturn is considered one of the four gas planets in the solar system, as it contains mostly hydrogen gas, along with small amounts of helium and very small levels of methane and ammonia though Saturn's atmosphere. It is very similar to Jupiter, it is believed to consist of... A small rocky core surrounded by a very thick atmosphere is considered one of the planets that witness wind speeds and very high, as the average speed the wind is more. 1609.34km per hour The average surface temperature is approximately 140.56 degrees below zero Celsius, and Saturn's atmosphere contains clouds of ammonia ice creams.

Saturn emits more than twice as much energy as it emits from the Sun; The reason for this is the lack of helium in its atmosphere, since Saturn's atmosphere is composed of 94% Helium. gas, which is called helium gas on Saturn, Saturn's atmosphere is due to the extreme cold of the planet. As a result, away from the cold sun, helium droplets are formed when the temperature of the planet drops below 258.15 degrees Celsius, then the helium gas condenses. It turns into a liquid that easily passes through the hydrogen envelope around the planet, and then, the potential energy of the rain falling from the liquid helium is converted into kinetic energy, causing helium gas to fall into Saturn's upper atmosphere.

Magnetic field 

Saturn is surrounded by a large magnetic field containing protons and electrons, which are likely to come from the moon's icy regions and orbits, in addition to the atmosphere of Titan's moon. It moves opposite or opposite to the movement of the magnetic fields of Jupiter and the Earth. the planet. 
Magnetic fields,
since these theories are based on the study of the amount of displacement between the axis of rotation of the planet and the axis of the magnetic field to produce large magnetic fields around the planet.
Form and structure 
Saturn is characterized by its similar shape to the other gas planets, as the diameter between the poles is 108,728 km, while its diameter is 120,536 km. exists in the solar system with an average density lower than that of water, since the average density of the planet is 69 kg/m3 It is the gas that makes up the planet's atmosphere and it also contains various metals such as nickel and iron surrounded by rocky material and very hot, and the core of the planet is surrounded by liquid hydrogen in another layer. of hydrogen.

There are 53 moons orbiting in Saturn, in addition to 29 other moons awaiting confirmation of their discovery meaning that their existence has not been confirmed, astronomers say that if the discovery of these moons is confirmed, Saturn will have 82 moons on it. wandering around. 
Saturn has the second largest moon in the solar system after Ganymede Titan is the only moon with an atmosphere composed of nitrogen and methane. 

It is described as the celestial body most similar to the planet Earth, with many studies and research done using data obtained from various satellites have proven that the moon Titan has clouds and rain. , at the same time they testify that the seasonal changes occur on the surface including ice volcanoes.

Let's tell some of Saturn's moons:
Including it's moons

Titan moon 
Titan moon was discovered in 1655 in the region of the post-frost line, where the temperature of the solar nebula is cold enough for all hydrogen compounds, such as ammonia, methane, and water, to condense and become snow. and the ice grains that the moon is made of, some of the ice and grains come out of its atmosphere, and it is worth noting that the ammonia compound has been exposed to ultraviolet solar radiation for millions of years, causing it to disintegrate. Compound bonds result from heavy nitrogen molecules accumulating in the atmosphere, while hydrogen gas is released from the atmosphere as a result of its light mass or the light mass of oxygen.

Titan moon is distinguished by its narrow atmosphere, which consists mostly of nitrogen gas, since the percentage of nitrogen in it is 90%, while the rest is a mixture of argon, methane, ethane, and other hydrogen compounds. like these parts. is the main reason behind its appearance of red color. The temperature of the surface of the moon is considered to be higher than it should be compared to its distance from the sun, and the reason behind it is the presence of the greenhouse effect, while scientists believe that The environment on Titan now resembles the environment on planet Earth before life formed, Here is some more information about Titan: 
Titan's average diameter is about 5,150 km. The Moon is about 1,221,830 km from Saturn. The Moon needs approximately 15.95 Earth Days to complete its orbit around Saturn.

Mimas moon 
Scientists discovered the moon Mimas in 1789, and the moon Mimas is considered to be the smallest of Saturn's moons, the closest, and contains water ice. not seen any ice melting on the surface or any other changes, the reason behind this could be the presence of a liquid ocean below. 
surface, and it is worth noting, the moon Mimas is considered to be responsible for creating a gap between the two rings of the planet Saturn, which is called the 'Cassini barrier' The moon Mimas also contains a large crater One side of the collision nearly split it in two. Below is some more information about the moon:  
The average diameter of Mimas is about 392 km. The moon is about 185,520 km from Saturn. It orbits Saturn once in about 0.9 Earth days.

Thank you for reading 📚 

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